Sunday, January 29, 2012

Procedure and Schedule

The procedure that is going to be done is called a cheilectomy.  Here are some links that can tell you about it.

Basically, they are going to cut out bone spurs from my big toe on my right foot.  The bone spurs have been causing my pain for years, although mistreatment by the great Air Force doctors I had at one time made it so this was not taken care of a long time ago.  The pain I have been in the last few years, as well as the increase in that pain recently has really gotten me on track to get it fixed.

The surgery is scheduled for the morning of Feb 3rd.  Recovery time before full ability to walk and start to exercise is approximately 6 weeks.  My recovery is going to consist of physical therapy at first.  Once I am given clearance to start working out again, I will be participating in the Farrel's Extreme Bodyshaping (FXB) ( program with earnest.  My plan is three resistance training classes a week plus 6 cardio kickboxing sessions a week.  You will see why I need to be aggressive in getting into shape when I get to my goals post.  But in summary, I have a PT test and Tough Mudder by the first weekend in June.  I want to be at 100% by that time, which does not leave much time to be lazy.  More to come on that though.

My pre-op appointment is tomorrow (Monday, Jan 30th) and I should have more specific information then from my doctor.

The good news is that I should be at about 80% of normal when all is said and done.  That is much better than the ~30% of normal I am at now.  I am looking forward to that.



Hello everyone.  If you are reading this it means you are either really randomly searching the web, or you know me and want to see how I am progressing through my upcoming surgery and recover.  First to answer some questions.

1. Why am I blogging?

The main purpose of this is to keep me focus on recovering from my surgery.  It will allow me to express my thoughts about any pain I am going through as well as keep track of my progress.  I am planning a very aggressive recovery plan to get in shape for activities later this year.  I want to be able to track the progress I am making toward those goals and also prove to myself that anything is possible with a little sacrifice and dedication.

2. Why should anyone care?

No one needs to care.  This is more for me than anyone else.  But I will let my friends and family know when I create new posts as they may want to see how I am doing.  If people want to post comments, criticisms, or encouragements, they are totally welcome.  So I hope that people who want to read this will, and those who don't, won't.

3. Why is this important?

In the grand scheme of life it is not, but can have implications on events coming up.  Although the surgery is not be considered major, anything that affects someone's ability to walk or run can have long term implications.  Since this is an important part of my recovery, it is important to me.

I just want to thank my wife, family, and coworkers who are going to help me take care of the day to day stuff until I am back to 100%.  Your effort is greatly appreciated and will directly help me in speeding up my recovery.
